A free and easy training to be a better manager

This self-teaching course for managers, now freely open to all, is designed for the participants to the management courses of Patrick M. Georges, at the business schools of HEC Paris, the University of Brussels, the Vlerick School of Management, the Collège des Ingénieurs.
Three 8-hour tracks are available. Personal Management, Team Management and Business Unit Management.

How to benefit from this self-teaching course

1. Check the course program.
Select your weekly learning objective from the list of the 24 one-hour modules.
Open the module from the key words list below, according to their natural sequence, 1M to 24M, or to their topic.

2. Check how good you are as a manager. Answer the questions.
Study the referenced or downloaded documents. Search the web.

3. Improve your management skills. Check your answers.
Compare with the answers of this blog community or unmask the most frequent answers

4. Optional. Ask for the teacher support by e-mails, video conferences or class sessions

Get started with module 0 to check the 24 learning objectives

Click 0M on the key words list below to start

How to be healthier as a manager ? Module 3. Track Personal Management

Learning objectives / Importance
How to resist fatigue and stress better

What is your average alcohol consumption ?
Who is feeling chronically work overloaded ?
What is your favorite stress-coping habit?

Stress is dangerous for you
The strain / pressure / uncertainty is produced by the job. Two bosses +  Pay for performance + Responsibility above autonomy
Your own individual resistance to stress is limited. Stress lovers and stress avoiders. Measuring your stress resistance. The S point is the ideal level of uncertainty that maximize your performance
Managing generates stress and management related diseases. Uncertainty. Fragmentation. Work overloading. Contradictions. High-speed scenario




1. What do you know about nutrition and managers? List a few eating and drinking habits that may influence a manager’s performance

2. What do you know about drugs and managers ?

3. What do you know about sleep? List a few rest and sleep habits that may influence a manager’s performance

4. What do you know about physical exercises and stress?

5. What do you know about daily task planning?What task planning rules can you apply to optimize your stamina /energy throughout the day

6. How the business organization can influence the strain levels on managers? What are the main organizational changes in companies that may amplify manager stress?

7. List the four main reasons why management is a stressful job

8. What are the early signs of stress / work overload with managers? List the stress signs and symptoms by order of importance

9. List the names of the favorite stress coping habits with managers?

10. You decided to protect yourself from stress by applying the third pillar method. What steps will you follow?

11. Describe briefly the following techniques for managing stress
1. The “Act on trigger” method
2. The “Third pillar” method
3. The “Zeitgeber” method
4. The “Bunker” method

Your answers
1. Ask for information, sending your requests to the members of the community of this blog
2. Unmask the following clues for answering
3. Optional. Send your answers to the teacher

Next Step 
Go to module 4 to learn how to manage your agenda - tima and tasks- better

Clues for answering. Physical health management

How to eat for stamina?
Eat slow sugars at breakfast
Morning cereals prevent low level of sugar in your blood
Breakfast like a queen, lunch like a princess, dine like a poor
Get enough energy for the hours left to work
Prevent the two gaps of intelligence just before and just after the lunch
Eat black chocolate if you are nervous. Tryptophan helps to build up serotonin, the hormon that stabilize our mood

How to sleep better ? 
Get a notepad at bedside. Note down your ideas, worries, to do list before sleeping
Know your natural timing for sleep and impose it to your business. Do you naturally need 5 hours or 9 hours? Do you naturally need to start at 7 am or at 9 am?
Respect a check-in and check-out procedure. 20 minutes to shift your hormones from day setting to night setting

How to sleep less temporarely without discomfort
Wake up 10 minutes earlier every two nights
Gaining one day hour, maximum three months

Never skip your daily physical exercises, just after work
Burning neuronal activities hormones through muscular activities
The main reason for human anxiety is thinking without acting
Avoid burning neuronal hormones through the contractions of the wrong muscles: stomach and spine

Tasks sequencing to resist fatigue
Start your day with demanding tasks, finish your day with exiting tasks

Reduce alcohol consumption if needed
The limit
The 3 methods for managers
The 21-day test

Exceptional use of sleep pils
Exceptional use of amphetamines

Clues for answering. Stress and mental health management

How to check your stress red lamps ?

Stage I Quick mood variations. Overreactions to events. The reality being not good or bad by itself, stable mood is the norm
Stage II Troubles at sleep. II A Late sleep. II B Early wake up. II C Night wake up
Stage III Medical. Anxiety and depression. Gastric pains. Heart pains

Some favorite stress coping habits. How to build a third pillar to your life
Present yourself, do not mention your job or family. Do you exist outside others?
The difference between internal and external happiness
Select an activity you like and that is as independant as possible from external resources (money, relations, art, religion, expertise, sport, passion,…
A personal development activity. Increase its regular practice up to 10 to 20 % of your time. Highly protected activities protect from stress
To develop only if one of your basic two pillars might become unstable

ACTE on triggers
Triggers are open intentions that should be closed at once, as soon as they appear in your mind
E for Eliminate. T for Transmit. C for Classification. A for Action
Treating your mail inbox as a professional: One mail reading session per day, one hour to make it empty
One minute to eliminate 50% of your mails. One minute to transmit 50 % of the mails left. One minute to classify 50% of the mails left. 55 minutes to answer carefully the few mails left

Implant a zeitgeber in your day
The serotonin factory manager has no watch. We need regularity to survive
The 5 pm tea ceremony is a concentrate of regularity amidst an extic business life. Invent your own tea ceremony

Practice a relaxation technique
Meditation, religious practices
Sophrology, yoga
Philosophy readings

Induce the production of stress resistance drugs
Take actions. Anxiety decrease when acting
Take risks. Fear reduce stress effects

Other favorite stress coping habits
Have principles and values. If you have objectives, you should have principles
Reduce contacts. Manage everything through three persons only
Reduce ambitions
Engage in strongly distracting activities
Answer « Nothing special » if asked « What’s up? »

Detect your thinking flaws
The reality is never good or bad. Some beliefs and twisted thoughts change your perception of the reality to create stronger emotions: amplification of selected aspects of the reality,…
From time to time, note down the facts and figures of your day for a reality check that will show that your life is not so bad