A free and easy training to be a better manager

This self-teaching course for managers, now freely open to all, is designed for the participants to the management courses of Patrick M. Georges, at the business schools of HEC Paris, the University of Brussels, the Vlerick School of Management, the Collège des Ingénieurs.
Three 8-hour tracks are available. Personal Management, Team Management and Business Unit Management.

How to benefit from this self-teaching course

1. Check the course program.
Select your weekly learning objective from the list of the 24 one-hour modules.
Open the module from the key words list below, according to their natural sequence, 1M to 24M, or to their topic.

2. Check how good you are as a manager. Answer the questions.
Study the referenced or downloaded documents. Search the web.

3. Improve your management skills. Check your answers.
Compare with the answers of this blog community or unmask the most frequent answers

4. Optional. Ask for the teacher support by e-mails, video conferences or class sessions

Get started with module 0 to check the 24 learning objectives

Click 0M on the key words list below to start

How to build a team ? Module 9. Track Team Management

Learning objectives. Why it’s important

People do not work together naturally well. Most accidents, failures, losts are due to the lack of coordination in a team. From time to time, you will be obliged to apply some management techniques to increase your team cohesion. High level managers are able to quickly build a strong team around them
We will discuss the favorite methods to achieve better team cohesion



What is, for you, the best teamwork tool / software ?

List all the team building, teamwork organization techniques, team coordination tools,… you favor
Description, how it works. Strong points and weaknesses of the method
Exemple. Week-end social events with family. Strong point:Knowing each other better can help a team
Weak point: Too much familiarity could be counterproductive

Clues for answering

List of managers favorite team cohesion methods
  1. Social or sport events
  2. Meeting convention
  3. Mailing convention
  4. Open agenda
  5. Team bible
  6. Team membership rules
  7. Team knowledge management convention
  8. Team roles
  9. Team identity
  10. Team replacement chart
  11. Team scoreboard
  12. Team business plan
  13. Team room
  14. Team web site
  15. Team joint projects
  16. Team mission statement
  17. The Team Cohesion Index exercise
  18. The team convention document
  19. The delegation exercise